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Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence

Start reaping the actual benefits of AI. Not tomorrow, but today.

Have you been wondering about how you can apply AI in your organisation? With our AI Design Sprint, we can help you discover how machine learning will change and automate your business processes, and how your employees could work with it, in just two weeks.

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AI Design Sprint /eɪ-aɪ dɪˈzaɪn sprɪnt/

An AI Design Sprint is a time-constrained process executed by an interdisciplinary team. The process focuses on proving the practical applicability of artificial intelligence models within an organisation. The result is a prototype that automates parts of a business process, including a reflection on how a business will be able to work with AI in the future.

What are the steps of the AI Design Sprint?

  1. Step 1

    We research your process

    Context is key.

    We bring together your team to get your current process on paper. When we know the goals and output of your process we can effectively validate if we have successfully supported or replaced parts with AI solutions.

  2. Step 2

    We give you the knowledge to become future-proof

    Setting the stage.

    We invite experts to educate your team on what AI is, what its use cases are, how it will develop in the future, and how it will affect your industry and business.

  3. Step 3

    We zoom in on what's important

    Getting to the core.

    To make sure we have a solid prototype, we have to create focus. With your team, we decide which parts of your process will have the biggest impact on efficiency and on cost savings.

  4. Step 4

    We create a prototype

    Augmenting your process.

    Good preparation results in good execution. With the insights of all the previous steps, we leverage AI models and create a prototype that automates or enhances parts of your business processes.

  5. Step 5

    And we make sure it works

    Solve for good.

    We bring back your team to test the prototype and see if it’s helpful and practical in real-world scenarios. In the end, you’ll receive the actual prototype (be it an API or script), and advice on whether or not your organisation is ready to embrace AI.

We've done this before

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How we can help

Solution we help you build.
